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Booker 2021 Our Shortlist Predictions

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Which books do we think will make that all important Shortlist?

Our highly scientific rating system tells us the short listed books will be:

  1. Bewilderment
  2. No one is Talking about This
  3. Light Perpetual
  4. Second Place
  5. A Town Called Solace
  6. The Fortune Men

BookWorm’s Predictions: In no particular order but if number 1 doesn’t make it there is something wrong with the world.

  1. Bewilderment
  2. Second Place
  3. Klara and the Sun
  4. No-One Is Talking About This
  5. China Room
  6. The Promise

Jen’s Predictions: This is hard for me since I only read half of them and the rest I only read about halfway through. Here is my list in no particular order.

  1. No One is Talking about this
  2. Bewilderment
  3. The Promise
  4. The Fortune Men
  5. An Island
  6. Great Circle

Nicole’s Predictions: This is so hard because I want to list what I think of as “Booker” books, but this is not a “Booker” panel ….Typically the shortlist made of up books I couldn’t make it through, or didn’t get to read, so I’m probably wrong on 3 of these 🙂

  1. Bewilderment
  2. The Promise
  3. A Passage North
  4. No One Is Talking About This
  5. The Fortune Men
  6. An Island

Lisa’s Predictions:

I’ve only read 3/6 of these so far. (I spent a lot of time on Great Circle.) The first two on my list I thought were very good. So, the final three are chosen based on reviews, authors from different parts of the world, and authors who just seem like they are up (Cusk).

  1. Bewilderment.
  2. No one is talking about this.
  3. The Sweetness of Water
  4.  Second Place.
  5. A Passage North
  6. An Island.

Susie’s Predictions:

  1. No One is Talking About This
  2. Bewilderment
  3. The Promise
  4. Second Place
  5. A Passage North
  6. Klara and the Sun

Anita’s Predictions:

  1. Bewilderment
  2. The Promise
  3. Second Place
  4. Klara and the Sun
  5. The Sweetness of Water
  6. No One is Talking About This

Tracy’s Predictions: I’m tempted to predict my bottom six books, since my track record is horrible – then maybe I will jinx the ones I don’t like, but I’ll try to be realistic:

  1. A Passage North
  2. The Promise
  3. An Island
  4. No One is Talking About This
  5. The Fortune Men
  6. Bewilderment

Which books do you predict will make the shortlist?

6 Comments Post a comment
  1. I don’t have a good record with predictions and the only one of the longlist I’ve read since it was announced is The Fortune Men which I thought was really good so I’d like to see that make it. I read Light Perpetual when it first came out and didn’t much care for it so it’s likely that will make it LOL. I have The Sweetness of Water to read so it would be good to have that on the shortlist if only to make me read it before the winner is announced! Reading other reviews, I think you’re probably right about Bewilderment although I’m unsure if it’s a book for me.


    September 13, 2021
  2. pbtanita #

    I only got three . . .but tied the collective group selection so that’s something. Of course I’ve only read 2 of the shortlist (but a third is underway).


    September 14, 2021
  3. pbtanita #

    A number of you crushed it this time!! Congrats to everyone who picked 5 of the 6. I am impressed.


    September 14, 2021
  4. harita #

    Great Predictions! Have you read Mirror Image by Sandra Brown or any of her other works? I hear it’s either a hit or miss. Some love it and some hate it.
    I’ll be picking it up this weekend. Would be glad to hear your views on it.


    September 15, 2021
  5. Two disbeliefs: That Tracy and I did so well and that Great Circle is on the shortlist. Sigh. At least I’ve read it and don’t have to read it again.


    September 15, 2021
    • Tracy S #

      Your past predictions have been better than mine! I agree about Great Circle- a book I initially abandoned thinking there was no way it would make any prize list. Finishing it on the second try was a chore. No way will I read it again!


      September 15, 2021

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