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My Life in Books


Welcome to a new recurring post! My Life in Books is a chance for you to get to know us a little better as readers.  Posts will be dedicated to books, poems, nursery rhymes, magazines, short stories, authors, and more that have contributed in some meaningful way to who we both are as readers today. We’ll start at the beginning with literature that impacted us as young children and continue through to present day. Although we often rate books similarly, we have different reasons for liking/disliking books and we have different preferences in terms of genre. Jen’s favorite genres include literary fiction, historical fiction, & fantasy. Bookworm’s favorite genre is dystopian fiction. We both are trying to work our way through the 1001 Books to Read list.

We also want to know about you. So each time we post, we hope you will let us know what sorts of things contributed to your current reading interests.

What are your favorite genres?

Coming soon… Book Worm will start us off with a nursery rhyme that she loved as a child. Start thinking about which nursery rhymes you remember from your childhood so you can share your reading memories with us.